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What Made Me Smile today ...........................????

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Yoda, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    I fitted a new battery to the Triumph. I had it filled and charged, ready for me to collect this morning and despite my doubts, as it's been a bit temperamental about electrics in the past, all went according to plan.
    I was quite surprised that Triumph hadn't left a booby trap under the seat to frighten me, but it was a simple job and the bike started as soon as I pushed the button. I need to put a meter on it, just to make sure it was the battery and not something more worrying but the tracker seemed to think the problem is solved so I shall wait and see. Lovely to have it running again :)
  2. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Did I mention how temperamental it was? Of course it didn't end with just a battery. I tested it with a meter and although all appeared to be fine the reading were a little lower then I expected, so Phil came round and got exactly the same, not quite good enough readings. Nothing stood out as faulty but something wasn't adding up so I rounded up my pet auto electrician who came and tested every plug, switch and cable until we ended up with the reg/rec which had two out of three perfect readings but one just a little lower then it should have been, so today it's had a nice, shiny new Mosfet one fitted. It's a bit too windy to take it out for a test ride just now but the readings are now exactly what they should be and I'm a happy bunny again :)
  3. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    I've just got my bike back from a two day visit to Tagg Racing. What a transformation! It had a 24,000 miles service and MOT, plus all the things that needed looking at were sorted out. It's had headstock bearings replaced, new front pads and even a new valve core, which is all it needed to sort out the slow puncture it had recently developed. Apparently I was too ladylike with my spitting as I'd suspected the valve but couldn't find the problem :) It's such fun to ride now. I came home by a very, very long route and oh, those brakes! Lovely!
    As always, great customer service and a very fair price. I'm so pleased with my bike that it almost didn't hurt to pay up. Worth every penny. :mdance:
    Eagle, lammyR6 and BlackHornet like this.
  4. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    I always like dealing with Tagg they have been pretty fair with me
    lammyR6, Beelady and BlackHornet like this.
  5. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    A result! Last night I went to the East Kent Triumph Owners club Christmas dinner. Such a laugh! Nice food, too, but best of all was the raffle, where I managed to win the final two items on my camping kit wanted list. One medium size micro fibre towel and a set of new luggage straps.
    And I had a visit earlier in the evening from lovely Pop Up Rob, bearing a fab. gift and some mince pies. xx Made the day even more special :hug:
    Fergy, Panel Man, lammyR6 and 6 others like this.
  6. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    My first visitor on a bike since my recent illness. Leila came to bring news and nice messages and some wonderful holiday pictures and just listened, which was perfect as I'm still working out what happened myself.

    Family have been amazing, right from day one but sometimes you need a friend to talk to, so thanks, friend. Right place at the right time, as you always are x

    It was a real step towards to normality, seeing her off down the lane. How brilliant to hear, feel and listen to a real bike again. Made me smile a lot.

    Can't wait to get out and see how my own bikes are. A treat for next week if it's warm enough to be outside for a bit. I'm up for it but the family seem not too thrilled with the idea of hanging out in the shed at this time of year :)

    Thanks for all the nice messages from those who knew I'd been poorly. Not many people knew until I was safely home again as I needed a bit of time to recover . Soon be back amongst you all, so look out!
    Eagle, lammyR6 and BlackHornet like this.
  7. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    Hi didn`t Know you were ill glad yr now on the mend take care hope to see you on the bike soon. :thumbsup:
  8. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    Glad to hear you're already improving at quite a rate :D:D:D definately a big scare :eek::eek:
    maybe give it another week before playing in the shed, the weather isn't meant to be that great next week anyway.
    look forward to having a coffee and cake with you soon
    Beelady likes this.
  9. Stars and Stripes

    Stars and Stripes Secret prototype + Site Supporter

    Hi Emma, glad to hear your getting better, I have been away so didnt even know you were poorly! look after yourself and GWS :ghug:
    Beelady likes this.
  10. megawatt

    megawatt World Superbike +

    I called today on the off chance. I'll call again soon.
    Beelady likes this.
  11. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    I didn't tell anyone as Ithought I only had a bad headache. Certainly didn't expect the drama that followed. I have been very lucky. Things could have been very much worse.
    BlackHornet likes this.
  12. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    It was so good to see you Emma. A relief all round to know you're home at last. :hug:
    If you want company in the garage, when you do get in there, then I know we can rustle up an excellent garage gang :D
    Beelady and megawatt like this.
  13. Tony

    Tony Moderator Staff Member Moderator +

    Get well soon
    Beelady likes this.
  14. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    Hopefully you'll be fully fit once the better weather arrives. :thumbsup:
    Beelady likes this.
  15. Tomasbe

    Tomasbe Custom cruiser +

    Good you’re on a mend. Keep up, @Beelady .
    Beelady likes this.
  16. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    Yah bike passed MOT now road legal again :thumbsup:

    Where is SECB off to this year I fancy France but if others want UK based camping that`s ok with me
    Roadwart, lammyR6, Tony and 3 others like this.
  17. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    Oooh, will have to start getting our thinking caps on. Maybe we could do a UK and a France then there's something for everyone :D
    Roadwart and Beelady like this.
  18. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    UK and France yes would be up for that :thumbsup:
    lammyR6 likes this.
  19. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    Thought not having been on the bike in months will take bike to work Thursday, discovered 6am too cold for summer gloves then some basteward dumb pheasant decided to commit suicide now I have a busted fairing, not a happy bunny. Enjoyed being on the bike, something about on the bike in the sunshine :):)
    Panel Man, Tomasbe, Eagle and 4 others like this.
  20. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Friday, started the Kawasaki for the first time since the first week of January. What a good little bike. First push of the button. It had a proper warm up and the chain had started to look as if it needed attention so it got a brushing of scottoil for now.
    The chain on the Street triple looked perfect, so no need for anything doing there. I won't try to start that until it can go out for a proper run and warm up, one day. All tyres checked and the cause of the puncture on the Kawasaki found.
    And yesterday a surprise delivery of wine and a new book to read, tossed across the dyke from a safe distance by Pop up Rob, on his way home from a job made me very happy. I can now read slowly, as long as the words are at arm's length so the book will be good practice. The wine will aid my continuing recovery greatly :)
    Roadwart, Fergy, Mikey and 8 others like this.

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