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Been A While

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Fergy, Dec 23, 2021.

  1. Fergy

    Fergy Secret prototype +

    It has been a while since I have been on here so...

    Firstly, thanks again to all those behind the scenes who look after this forum.

    Secondly, thank you all for the birthday wishes.

    Thirdly, have a bloody great Xmas and stay safe all!
  2. Beelady

    Beelady British Superbike +

    Merry Christmas, all. Next year has, has, HAS to be better :)
    Stars and Stripes and Fergy like this.
  3. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    Merry Christmas one and all. Wishing you a really good year
    Stars and Stripes and Beelady like this.
  4. Eagle

    Eagle Custom cruiser +

    Merry Christmas everyone. Have a great new year and looking forward to a long hot summer. :sun2::MC:
    Beelady and Stars and Stripes like this.
  5. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    hope everyone had a great day .
    Merry Christmas everyone
    Stars and Stripes and Beelady like this.

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