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Image | Title | Text |
Smile | :) :-) | |
Shrug | :shrug: | |
Wink | ;) ;-) | |
Frown | :( | |
Mad | :mad: >:( :@ | |
Confused | :confused: o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Cool | :cool: 8-) | |
Stick Out Tongue | :p :P :tongue: | |
Big Grin | :D :-D | |
Eek! | :eek: :o | |
Oops! | :oops: | |
Roll Eyes | :rolleyes: | |
Barefoot | :barefoot: :barefeet: | |
Alien | :alien: | |
Cautious | :cautious: | |
Coffee | :coffee: | |
cry | :cry: | |
Devilish | :devil: | |
Geek | :geek: | |
Giggle | :giggle: | |
Love | :love: | |
laugh | :laugh: | |
Ninja | :ninja: | |
Not Worthy | :worthy: | |
Poop | :poop: | |
Red Face | :red: :blush: | |
Roflmao | :rofl: | |
Sick | :sick: :ill: | |
Sleep | :sleep: :zzz: | |
Sneaky | :sneaky: | |
Speechless | :speechless: :sless: | |
Thumbsdown | :thumbsdown: | |
Thumbsup | :thumbsup: | |
Unsure | :unsure: | |
Whistling | :whistle: | |
X3 | :x3: | |
Disco | :disco: | |
Rubhands | :rubhands: | |
Monkeydance | :mdance: | |
Dunce | :dunce: | |
Slap fight | :sfight: | |
Cry2 | :cry2: | |
Fuming | :fume: | |
kiss | :kiss: | |
Ner-Ner | :ner: | |
moon | :moon: | |
Sun1 | :sun1: | |
Sun 2 | :sun2: | |
Bump | :bump: | |
Bike | :bike: | |
Bow | :bow: | |
Ciggy | :cig: | |
Eyebrows | (: | |
haha | :hah: | |
Money | :cash: | |
Mouserun | :mrun: | |
Photo | :photo: | |
Respekt | :respekt: | |
RTFM | :rtfm: | |
rtfm2 | :rtfm2: | |
Vespa | :vesp: | |
Wave | :wave: | |
Cold | :brr: | |
Adolf | :htlr: | |
Bounce | :bounce: | |
Music Dance | :Mdance: | |
Hot | :hot: | |
Yellow card | :ycard: | |
Bang head | :bhead: | |
Cloud 9 | :c9: | |
Red Card | :rcard: | |
Skip | :skip: | |
Stomp | :stomp: | |
Boohoo | :boohoo: | |
Cool Smoke | :csmoke: | |
tear hair out | :hairout: | |
Loser | :loser: | |
Poke | :poke: | |
Rant | :rant: | |
Thanks | :tnx: | |
Check PM | :PM: | |
Gotcha! | :gotcha: | |
Pat head | :phead: | |
Hug | :hug: | |
Hug 2 | :hug2: | |
Hug 3 | :hug3: | |
Kiss 2 | :kiss2: | |
Motorcycle | :MC: | |
No No | :nono: | |
catapult | :cpult: | |
Scared | :scared: | |
Scary | :scary: | |
Sneeze | :snz: | |
Snore | :snore: | |
Woo Hoo! | :whoo: | |
Woo Hoo 3 | :Whoo3: | |
Look down | :ldown: | |
wave2 | :wave2: | |
head bang | :hdbang: | |
headphones | :hphones: | |
Lol above | :lola: | |
Moon2 | :moon2: | |
Puke | :puke: | |
Finger | :finger: | |
Think | :think1: | |
Think2 | :think2: | |
Thumbup2 | :tup: | |
Whew | :whew: | |
Whiplash | :wlash: | |
Violin | :violin: | |
Furious | :furious: | |
Help | :hlp: | |
MsTickle | :mstckl: | |
Nerd | :nerd: | |
Timebomb | :tbomb: | |
Throw ball | :tball: | |
Bye | :bye: | |
Bye-Bye | :bbye: | |
Frantic | :ftic: | |
Hug 4 | :hug4: | |
Hungry | :hgry: | |
Nah | :nah: | |
rofl2 | :rofl2: | |
Get me coat | :coat: | |
Badaboom Tish. | :btish: | |
happy Birthday | :hbday: | |
Hide under chair | :chide: | |
Chopper | :chppr: | |
Cop | :cop: | |
Giggle behind hand | :hgiggle: | |
Surrender | :srnder: | |
Group Hug | :ghug: | |
Hot weather | :hotw: | |
Rain | :rain: | |
Not Worthy 2 | :worthy2: | |
Witch | :witch: | |
Handbags | :hbag: | |
Baby | :baby: | |
Finger2 | :finger2: | |
PMT | :PMT: | |
Blind | :blind: | |
Calm Down! | :calm: | |
Swoon | :swn: | |
Loser2 | :loser2: | |
Fibber | :fib: | |
Slap | :slap: | |
Jammin | :jam: | |
Cigar | :cigar: | |
Old | :old: | |
Pray | :pray: | |
Face Palm | :fpalm: | |
Idea | :idea: | |
Doh! | :doh: | |
Kiss3 | :kiss3: | |
Nail Biting | :nbite: | |
Food |
spag | :spag: | |
Eat | :eat: | |
eat 2 | :eat2: | |
Pizza | :pizza: | |
Icecream4 | :icream4: | |
Cake | :cake: | |
Pancake | :pcake: | |
Cake 2 | :cake2: | |
Cake3 | :cake3: | |
Drink |
Cheers | :cheers: | |
Drunk | %) :drunk: | |
drunk2 | <%) | |
Drink! | :drink: | |
happy coffee | :hcof: | |
Signs |
Welcome1 | :welcome: | |
Lol | :lol: | |
LOL2 | :lol2: | |
Cool2 | :cool2: | |
haha2 | :haha: | |
10/10 | :10: | |
0/10 | :0: | |
Good one | :g1: | |
Kewl pics | :kpics: | |
Nice Thread | :nthread: | |
Off Topic | :otop: | |
Owned | :ond: | |
Rock on 1 | :ron1: | |
Rock on 2 | :ron2: | |
yeah Right! | :yright: | |
No way | :noway: | |
Nil point | :npoint: | |
OK | :OK: | |
OK 2 | :OK2: | |
Woo Hoo 2 | :whoo2: | |
Welcome to SECB | :wsecb: | |
SECB ROcks! | :secbr: | |
Thank you | :TY: | |
Good Post! | :gpost: | |
Jealous | :jealous: | |
Please | :pls: |