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Just got my Thundersport Tickets for March 9/10

Discussion in 'Racing related' started by megawatt, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. kitten_art

    kitten_art Race Rep +

    Every damn time I see the heading on this thread for a split second it reads "Just got my Thunderpants"......I really need to get my eyesight checked :confused::lol2:
  2. Garya

    Garya World Superbike +

    it was bloody cold, left Tom and Leila to brave out the afternoons racing :brr::brr:
    GuzziRob likes this.
  3. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    Was defiinitely very chilly trackside, but the afternoon brought some entertaining racing! Great stuff :D
    GuzziRob likes this.
  4. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    yep enjoyed today, this afternoon was great we set up camp with a view on the hairpin exit where it became very clear that the oil from the bike that blew up before lunch hadn't be cleared. Slide after slide, you could pick the bike that was going to get in to trouble by watching their exit line. A few managed to hold it but alot went down. watching then slide down the track with the other riders dodging them some by inches is a heart stopping moment :eek: but watching them walk away each time:D:D:D:D

    yes it was cold but great racing. :thumbsup:
    GuzziRob likes this.
  5. RetryRider

    RetryRider Commuter 500 +

    Darn, knew I should have stuck around. Left after the 1st Thundersport race.

    The place looked devoid of bikers anyway, most people seem to have turned up in the car (including me :giggle:)

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