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Road Safety Advert Using Video Filmed On Fatal Crash

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by BlackHornet, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Carnage

    Carnage Race Rep +

    Its all cause and effect ....im sure someone will have noticed that in my comments i have referred to it as an incident and not an accident ...an accident is where an individual does something with no intention to cause harm but thier actions result in injury , an incident is when something happens and no one person or thing can have blame totally aportioned to them or it, as is the case here...cause and effect ....the car driver turned into oncoming traffic without looking properly (cause ) the motorcyclist was exceeding the posted speed limit and paid no heed to potential hazards within his veiw (cause ) the 2 cases of cause result in the "effect" a collision an unfortunate incident whereby 2 cases of cause came together to produce the effect. Had either cause been removed the effect would most likely have been removed or at worst reduced.
    As drivers we have a duty of care not only to ourselves but those around us , likewise as riders we also have a duty of care to the same ....however whether we be in a car or on a motorcycle we all have the rules of the road to obey and flaunt them at risk of neglecting our duty of care. what we must not do is be under the impression that because the rules exsist, that everyone will abide by them whether intentional or not ...that give way line may well mean the vehicle whether it be bike or car has to stop , look and give way, whether the driver/rider actually carrys out those actions correctly or not can be down to infinite equations..just lost a loved one and not thinking straight, just come out of the pub, just wokon up etc etc etc or just pure bloody mindedness. The FACT remains regardless of training,further training, punishment or encarseration history teaches us that there will always be those who will think it doesnt apply to them and that they know better, as educated beings we should take the required precautions to protect ourselves from that, whether your within the steel confines of a car or out in the open air elements of a motorcycle. reverse the positions of our sadly departed friend ...your the car driver approaching the junction...you have right of way ( according to law ) and are traveling at a higher rate of speed than that indicated by law, you can see an oncoming motorcyclist moving into the filter lane to possibly turn across you....what are you going to do?....let up in case he pulls out?...keep going at your current speed because you have right of way?...its a BIG question right? Those lines in the road and sign boards at the side of the road are there to not only give us direction but also to get our attention and that failure to heed them may make you and another causes to an effect. Take nothing for granted and assume the worst every time.
    this is my opinion, debate among yourselves if you wish even argue refuse to accept it i will however not enter into any such debate or arguement as its simply a case of an incident that either party could have avoided.
  2. The Fixer

    The Fixer Commuter 500

    Carnage you are far more articulate on a keyboard than i am, that is realistically what i have been trying to say from the start!

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