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Notice to Newbies

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Jim, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Jim

    Jim Race Rep +

    Dear Newbie,
    The 3rd SECB Annual Rally is occuring this year and you will be made most welcome should you wish to join us. This is a relatively new Club Forum and although one or two of us know each other from another site the majority of people on here are still in the early stages of getting to know others, me included! So don't feel put off cos you don't think you will know anyone, it's going to be a first for a lot of us and if biking does nothing else it brings like minded people together with a shared passion that breeches the awkwardness of new acquaintance very quickly. I know this for a fact because I've made friends with some really weird people through biking who I am sure I would have avoided had I met them in the street! (Sorry Paul but it has to be said:p). SO ALL WELCOME!
    For more info on the Rally and to register your interest check out the thread in the Members Lounge.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  2. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    If it makes you feel better Jim, I`d have crossed over the road if I hadn`t met you online first too ;)
    lisa lou, kitten_art and Jim like this.
  3. Yoda

    Yoda Sport Tourer + Site Supporter

    Nice Words Jim -
    Jim likes this.
  4. Yoda

    Yoda Sport Tourer + Site Supporter

    Just a Little Note to Add on Jims Post - If any people are Worried about transporting Tents , Camping goods Etc on Bike i had a little plan if you drop what you need or want down there to Me in Ashford i will Pallertise this up and Send down to The Pub i have asked them got to speak to another Chap but all looks ok so goods will be theer wating for you then When you finished i will Load it back up and Have it Collected and will be back in Ashford for Tuesday Latest..Just a Thought for you all

    Im sending Our stuff this way all i will have on my bike is ME ....lol
    Jim and deano81 like this.
  5. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    :cool2: That`s an excellent idea & most kind of you to sort this Paul. :thumbsup: :10:
    Yoda likes this.
  6. Finchy

    Finchy Guest

    Can I just add that it is traditional for 'Newbies' to bring gifts of alcohol (it's a rite of passage). Oh and no cheap cider or those tiny little bottles of crappy Belgian beer either.

    Equally, if we happen to 'foul' our sleeping bags during the night, we will assume the right to take yours. Mmmm toasty (and dry).
    BlackHornet likes this.
  7. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    You`re not at public school now Finchy ;)

    You`ll be wanting a "fag" next :D
  8. Finchy

    Finchy Guest

    Silence boy! Now clean my helmet - it's sticky and it smells.

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