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Chain Lube

Discussion in 'Mechanical' started by _Yappa_, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. _Yappa_

    _Yappa_ Official SECB representative down under. +

    Hmmmm was reading in a different forum about the better types of chain lube.

    Does anyone have any brands etc they recommend? Father-in-law is using this crap one that basically causes his exhaust to smoke (even with only using a tiny amount). The other forum did recommend one, but for the life of me can't find it. Some type of waxy based one.....

    Sorry bit vague I know :hlp:
  2. megawatt

    megawatt World Superbike +

    I use MucOff PTFE Dry lube on the Blade chain. Got over 25,000 miles out of it.
  3. Les

    Les British Superbike +

    Goose fat & elbow grease?;)
  4. Davetona

    Davetona Sport Tourer +

    Wurth Dry Chain Lube ;)

    rbl10, NAPA121, Miky_G and 3 others like this.
  5. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    I couldn`t be arsed with chain lube going everywhere so my bikes a belt drive ;)
  6. MaDProFF

    MaDProFF World Superbike +

    Why is it called high Performance Chain Lube, does it go really Fast of something?
    Les likes this.
  7. megawatt

    megawatt World Superbike +

    The good stuff sticks to the chain without flinging off and it looks after the O rings without turning into grinding paste. If you spend £100+ on a chain, it makes sense to use a good lube.
    rbl10 likes this.
  8. Finchy

    Finchy Guest

    'Nuff said.
    Conrad, Cole, lammyR6 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Finchy

    Finchy Guest

    It might not provide 25,000 miles of motoring bliss. However, it should be good for two and half minutes of fun.
    Roadwart, _Yappa_ and deano81 like this.
  10. alexs

    alexs World Superbike +

    Exaggerating again Finchy....;)
    lammyR6 likes this.
  11. Finchy

    Finchy Guest

    Ok, ok , ok. So that timeframe includes the 'intermittent wash/wipe'.
    alexs and BlackHornet like this.
  12. _Yappa_

    _Yappa_ Official SECB representative down under. +

  13. Roadwart

    Roadwart Administrator Staff Member Administrator +

    According to Finchy Mrs, its more like wishful thinking ;)

    & the time it takes to eat the pizza afterwards ;)
  14. alexs

    alexs World Superbike +

    Oh I see....I thought you were adding up a weeks worth of action.....:lol2:
    _Yappa_ likes this.
  15. Finchy

    Finchy Guest

    RW - I wouldn't wish that particular ordeal on anyone. Fortunately, Mrs Finchy is used to it now.
    Roadwart and _Yappa_ like this.
  16. Cole

    Cole Guest

    Chian Lube 1.jpg activ8 oil treatment also.
  17. Panel Man

    Panel Man Secret prototype +

    Not heard of that one: where do you buy it? Is it better than the Wurth / MucOff variants?
  18. Skortchio

    Skortchio Caustic +

    You can lube your chain with damn near anything oil based.
    For convenience and durability a thickening 'wax' type is easier as it tends to last better but will allow more crud to cling to it.

    But the real factor is what you do before hand. If you take said grubby chain with grit and dust and muck on it and apply oil, you create grinding paste.
    Before oiling your chain you should always, always clean it. Kerosene or other thin agent will remove all the previous stuff plus the dirt. Get busy with a brush and elbow grease and clean it thoroughly, including the runners which do a great job of gathering up congealed muck.
    Once it's sparkly clean and dry, then you can adjust the tension (without getting covered in grease, see) and apply fresh oil/wax of choice.
    Go have a cup of tea, then with a clean rag hold it lightly against the chain and spin the wheel a couple of times to collect any residue which would otherwise fling off wildly as soon as you pull away.

    JimBo, deano81, _Yappa_ and 1 other person like this.
  19. JimBo

    JimBo World Superbike +

    It's amazing how many sites have threads about chain lubrication none of which mention chain cleaning.
    As Skortchio says, if you lube a dirty chain you lube on the dirt and grit. That may be worse than no lube!

    (but don't quote me on that)

    Oh, and isn't kerosene liquid paraffin? Or are you a merry can Skotchio? :laugh:
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2013
  20. r1jay

    r1jay Race Rep +

    i use kerosene first on my chain, its an excellent degreaser. when i was in the army many years ago we used to use diesel to clean the undersides of our vehicles. it made them very shiny. just gotta remember to wear gloves though if you use this stuff. some folks are real sensitive to all these things on their skin.i find that the castrol chain lube is very good as is there oil. in the range at the moment well the eastbourne one at least they have motoGp lube on offer. dont know if its any good but as its less than a pint in my local it might be worth a punt
    lammyR6 likes this.

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