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Bonny Cravat, Woodchurch, Kent

Discussion in 'Main Forum' started by Fergy, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. Fergy

    Fergy Secret prototype +

    Proud dad moment…My daughter and her fiancé have just signed the lease on this pub and are now chucking themselves into it to make it work. They officially take it on from the 3rd October when they will close for a few days for redecorating. But then on the 8th October there will be a grand re-opening from midday with a hog roast, BBQ and singers through out the afternoon so if anyone is over that way please call in! Sadly we are not in the country and are gutted to not be there but that is just the way the it is unfortunately ☹️

    They do have plans to get the bike night going again at some point next year though so watch this space
  2. SuzuKeith

    SuzuKeith World Superbike +

    Best wishes for success. Unfortunately will be on way to New Zealand. Look forward to bike nights.
    lammyR6 and Fergy like this.
  3. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    It's very exciting. Sorry would be there for opening but will definitely be visiting once I'm back :D
  4. lammyR6

    lammyR6 Moderator Staff Member Moderator + Site Supporter

    We'll be in the same hemisphere :D
  5. BlackHornet

    BlackHornet Look before you turn Staff Member Moderator +

    Good luck to them both
    Beelady likes this.

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